Home and Farm Business, Events (Ch. 2, Sec. 3)

This section outlines regulations for various temporary uses and accessory business uses of residential properties within Delta County.

Farm Stands:

Allowed with conditions, such as not taking direct access from a state highway or arterial road without CDOT or County Engineering approval and provided that property is cleaned up and restored after the stand is removed .

Fireworks Stands:

Allowed with conditions, such as not taking direct access from a state highway or arterial road without CDOT or County Engineering approval, including safety plans and cleanup requirements.

Special Events:

Exempted events:

  • people are invited by the property owner with no obligation or expectation to pay or donate money/services and which are contained entirely on the property owned or leased by the host.

  • with commercial permits (wineries, or hospitality)

  • contained entirely within a building and are associated with or interconnected with the property’s permitted use(s), for example; religious gatherings or functions, sale promotions, holiday parties at places of business, etc.

  • Agricultural Events (e.g., hayrides, pumpkin carving, corn maze, harvest celebration, etc.)

  • Farmer’s Market if wholly contained on site.

Temporary or seasonal (special) events are allowed, no permit required, in all zoning districts if:

  • Events must be held at sites suitable for accommodating expected attendance, with considerations for size, access, parking, and proximity to residences.

  • Events should not negatively impact nearby agriculture or intensive agricultural uses, and must prevent trespassing.

  • Adequate security and fire protection measures must be provided, ensuring that structures are safe and appropriate for the intended level of occupancy.

  • Events should not cause significant negative impacts on adjacent properties, residents, or businesses, including restrictions on amplified noise, limitations on the number and duration of events, and measures to control dust and smoke. For example:

    • Amplified noise shall not operate outdoors between the hours of 9:00 p.m. of one (1) day and 8:00 a.m. of the next day, or 10:00 p.m. on Friday or Saturday unless there is a minimum of six hundred (600) feet from a neighboring residence.

    • There are no more than two (2) events per calendar year and each event does not operate more than seven (7) consecutive days.

  • A traffic management plan is required to ensure safe access and operation of adjacent roads, including provisions for adequate capacity, emergency access, parking, and circulation routes. For example:

    • The site has an existing, permitted (County, CDOT) access with capacity for two vehicles to pass safely (minimum 16-foot wide, two travel lanes).

    • Access using a private road shall require notification, at least ten days prior to the event, of all property owners with access on that road.

    • Safe Onsite vehicular and pedestrian circulation routes shall be identified.

    • Unobstructed emergency access shall be provided at all times.

    • Off-Street parking area shall be sufficient to accommodate the peak demands of the event, assuming 2.5 attendees per vehicle. Parking may be provided on property other than where the event is held provided that an appropriate level of shuttle service (e.g., buses and vans) is provided between the event and the parking area, or the close association of the event with a permanent use that provides parking for attendees.

    • Truck parking and loading areas shall be provided as necessary to service the event and provide for storage of trucks and trailers that will remain Onsite. Trucks shall be routed away from local residential streets.

  • Appropriate approvals and permits are needed for food services and alcohol sales, and the county may require a fire prevention and emergency response plan.

  • Adequate water, sanitation, and refuse collection facilities must be provided, including restroom facilities, trash containers, and recycling bins. Cleanup of the site and neighboring areas must be completed promptly after the event.

Activities Requiring a Permit. A Limited Use Permit (with a public notice) is required, in all zoning districts, for the following:

  • Any event that does not meet the special event standards (above).

  • Event venue, meaning a commercial site designed to host events such as weddings, conferences, galas and other similar events.

Home Business:

Activities conducted for gain are “allowed” if:

  • they are secondary to residential use and not significantly disrupt the neighborhood by excessive noise, lights, traffic, or other disturbances.

  • utilize access included as part of the dwelling, unless otherwise permitted.

  • are allowed one unanimated flat wall or window sign.

  • outdoor storage must be screened from a public road.

Home Businesses that create significant impacts to adjacent properties such as fumes, noxious odors, excessive noise, dust, and or traffic shall be subject to a Limited Use Permit (with a public notice).


Wireless Telecommunication Facilities (Chapter 2 Section G, pp. 69-81)